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Electronic Resources : New Resources and Trials

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Library Databases: Introduction

What is a library database? 

A library database is an electronic collection of information, organized in a way that allows users to be able to search and access. There are different kinds of databases at Rolfing Library which provide full-text articles, abstracts, and reference information.

Library databases contain:

  • scholarly peer-reviewed articles
  • newspaper articles
  • trade publications
  • book reviews
  • magazine articles
  • dissertations and theses

What Should I search in a library database?

At Rolfing Library, we select databases based on the academic programs offered at Trinity International University. Trinity users will be able to find relevant resources in the databases specific to our academic and research needs. For more information about how to conduct a search in databases, please visit our Database Basic Search page.

Useful databases

Click the image to check out the database!




Internet vs. Databases

Even though the search is done online, internet searches and database searches are different.

  Internet Library Databases
Content Mostly popular sources, some scholarly and trade; mostly current information but unpublished material Popular, scholarly, and trade sources; relatively current information and historic sources published 
Organization Loose or no organization of pages Indexed by subject, title, author, publication, material type, and format
Credibility Authority often unverified; no evaluation or peer-review process for information; often self-published Many sources evaluated for accuracy and credibility; reviewed before publication 
Access Available to anyone; many scholarly resources charge fees Available to current Trinity users
Search Results Can't be filtered and ranking of results unclear Results can be filtered by year, document type, or subjects