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Course Reserves Information

What are course reserves?

Course reserves are materials set aside for students in a particular class at the request of the instructor.

How do students access course reserves?

Reserves are shelved behind the Library Services Desk at the front of the library. Students can ask the staff member at the desk for the item. Students will check out reserve items exactly as they would any other library item. 

Students can find reserve items listed in the online catalog by selecting "Course Reserves" from the pull-down menu beside the search field. They can then search by course number, course title, or instructor. 

course reserve search field

Some reserve items are electronic. In these cases, students can access the electronic copy via the online catalog.

Click here to return to the library homepage, or use the search box below.

Can a student take a reserve item home?

No, reserves are for in-library use only.

How long can a student keep a reserve item?

The checkout period for reserve items is four hours. 

Are course reserves only physical items?

Sometimes course reserves are physical copies of books; sometimes they are electronic; sometimes we place both on reserve. We make this decision based on library holdings and on the anticipated needs of the students.

How does the library select items for reserve?

Course reserves are set aside at the request of the instructor. In order for the library to place items on reserve, the instructor must complete the request form available on our website. Here is the link for the request form.

Is all required reading reserved?

The library will reserve items as requested by instructors. Instructors may decide to provide other ways for students to access required reading. 

How long does it take for an item to be placed on reserve?

It can take a week or two. Once the library receives the request, we then have to complete several tasks before the item is ready for reserves. We add the catalog record to a reading list, we pull the book from the shelf, we process the book for the reserve shelf, and finally we have a staff member place the item on the reserve shelves. This process takes time and might be delayed by staffing levels and by other demands on the time of library staff. It could be further delayed if the item is already checked out of the library. 

Ideally, instructors will submit their requests at least a month before the first day of class.