If you are writing your dissertation, thesis, or project on a topic of a sensitive nature, please consider using a different name for yourself or choosing your title and abstract carefully. You may consider providing the full detailed description to your dissertation readers and then create an alternate version of the title and abstract to include in your online submission.
TIU dissertations, theses, and projects are submitted in electronic format only using ProQuest. Now that these works are available online, this greatly increases the possibilities for others to find your publication. The citations and bibliographic reference information for these works are searchable in our local library catalog as well as WorldCat, Google Books, and other places. Citations include the following information: author’s name, title of publication, publication year, degree granted, degree granting institution. Bibliographic references contain the citation components as well as subject headings, the library call number, and the advisor’s name.
ProQuest includes an option for students to choose whether or not they would like major search engines (e.g. Yahoo, Google) to discover their work through ProQuest. This means that students can decide if they want ProQuest to allow search engines to find their work through the ProQuest site. Opting out of this only applies to ProQuest not sharing your citation information with other search engines.
For more information about your options as an author, read the ProQuest document on Embargoes & Restrictions. Although you can place an embargo on your work, that is only for a limited time. After the embargo expires, your entire work may become available for purchase. Note that citation information will still remain accessible with an embargo.
If you do not wish for your citation information to be visible in Google, you can contact ProQuest at disspub@proquest.com or call 1-800-521-0600. You will also need to contact OCLC at privacy@oclc.org.