What is WorldCat Discovery?
WorldCat Discovery helps patrons easily find and get resources available at your library and in libraries worldwide through a single search of WorldCat and familiar, authoritative e-content collections.TIU WorldCat Discovery will show us resources in our library collection, i-Share collection, and then WorldCat library collections. WorldShare requests can be easily placed as well. Access is possible for both on and off campus. TIU credentials are required to place a WorldShare request.
1) Open WorldCat Discovery. Trinity Library logo in the top, left corner, will open the Rolfing Library homepage, if clicked.
2) Enter keyword in the search box and press return. Use "Advanced Search", if necessary.
3) Click "Request item through WorldShare" button to place an ILL request.
1) In order to create a WorldShare request, a valid TIU credentials are required.
2) Upon the button is clicked, institutional signing in will be required.
If you are already signed in as a TIU user in the same browser, this step will happen automatically.
If you are accessing from your personal device, "Remember my selection" box can be checked for convenience. If you are accessing from public computer, please leave it unchecked.
Microsoft sign-in page will appear, if you are not already signed in using TIU credentials. If your personal profile is being used, please sign out first. If you need additional login help, please visit this page. For information about clearing cache, please visit this page.
3) Bibliographic information will be automatically filled for the item.
4) See if you are requesting a loan (physical copy) or a scan (digital copy of a chapter or an article). Check if other information is correct. Then submit the form. You will receive an email notification to confirm the request.