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ENG 106H -- Joshua Held -- Spring 2023

Video: What Are Databases and Why You Need Them (2:34)

Why Use Library Databases

More information: Library databases give you access to information that you cannot find on the general internet.

Quality: Library databases contain published information. This means there has already been some quality control and vetting of information prior to publishing, unlike the internet, where anyone can publish anything. Databases are not perfect--you should still critically evaluate everything--but you can have a little more confidence in what you find.

No additional cost: While free tools like Google Scholar might help you discover materials, you often cannot get them without paying. Trinity has already paid to subscribe to our databases, meaning there is no extra cost for you beyond what you already pay to attend Trinity.

More specific search options: Databases offer many ways to limit your search, such as dates, type of publication, subject/topic, and much more. This means you can create more specific searches than you can with a general search engine.

Rolfing Library Databases

Link to A-Z list of databases

A list of over 100 databases can be daunting! You can go straight to the one you want or you can limit the list to the subject that interests you by using the Subjects pull-down menu.

Suggested Databases