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English 115

Sources used for the REACH class ENG 115R: Research and Writing

Bibliography of course readings

Bibliography of course readings

Books to purchase:

Hacker, D. (2011). A pocket style manual. (6th Ed.) Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s Books. 

Houghton, P. & Houghton, T. (2009). APA: The easy way! (2nd ed.) Flint, MI: Baker College.

Hult, C. A. (2006).  Researching and writing across the curriculum (3rd ed.). New York: Longman, 2006. 

Readings accessible on the course website at

Bolner, M. S. & Poirier, G. A. (2007). The research process: Books and beyond. Dubuque, IA: Kendall / Hunt. (pp. 28-31, 65-66)

Library of Congress. (2012). Library of Congress classification outline. Retrieved from

Lunsford, A. A. (2010). Everyday writer. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's. (pp. 57-60)

Price, M. (n. d.). The St. Martin’s Tutorial on Avoiding Plagiarism. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2012). Writing a research paper. Retrieved from

Turabian, K. L. (2010). Student's guide to writing college papers. (4th ed.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (pp. 40-43, 63-74)

Williams, J. M. & McEnerney, L. (n. d.) Writing in college: A short guide to college writing. Retrieved from